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Makes me stronger

Whatever doesn't kill me.... makes me stronger. Random snippets from our chaotic lives, to keep the relo's and everyone else out there entertained! ;) Header paper from "Style" by Amy Knepper. Fonts used are Broken 15 and Arial.

My Photo
Location: Australia

SAHM of 2 boys, Ty and Sam. Wife of nine years to Skip. Usually seen with my face behind my camera!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's my blog....

and I'll post what I want too!!

I have no idea why that's in my head... but here goes anyway. I can't believe how well I've kept this up since I think September.... I like my little corner of cyberspace.

Meanwhile, before I get mushy or anything, get your tushies over to The Digi Chick right now, as Manda Bean has 75% off a few kits that she is retiring, including one of my favourites of hers, Citrus Breeze. I can't believe I only paid 88c for this puppy... it ROCKS!!

And to prove how much it rocks, here's proof!

All papers and elements from Citrus Breeze by Manda Bean of TDC... Fonts are Another Typewriter, 2Peas Barefoot Professor, Searching, 2Peas Chatter.

I don't know why, but this layout was really really hard... I battled it for 2 hours, and finally overcome. Very happy with the result, and that gorgeous picture!


And then there was this one, which was actually much easier... less IS more!!

Paper, label holder and stitching from Ordinary People by Jessica Bolton from Photo treated with smaragdify Toy Camera action. Also used a frame from ScrapArtist's Shmootzy frames. Fonts used are Bulky Refuse Type and Tin Birdhouse. Funky corner brushes from DWD bonus material on the cd...

I just love how this photo turned out... I kept everything in these mellow shades of brown, and it all works so well.

Well, that's a contrasting pair of layouts, isn't it!!

Oh, and Sharon, that's another 2 to my tally! but I think that may be all, it's Ferbruary in 1 hour, 10 minutes and I haven't got another layout in me to save my life!!

Later dudes!!

Monday, January 30, 2006

The SPICE of life....

(Small little rider.... i am not REFERRING indirectly or directly to anyone in this post apart from me..... just so you all know ! ;) )

So, I was in Picasa today and looking at all my layouts in their cute little thumbnails... and I was struck..... at how different they all were.... some bright, some soft, some simple, some busy... some blended, some very textured and full of shadows, highlights.

I love my little folder. It's a rainbow. I don't know how much of that is as credit to my 3 awesome designers, Amy, Fernlili and Ash.... they give me such diverse toys, that I can't help but create anew every time... and I think that is part of where the fear comes from. But then each new package is unzipped, and inspiration springs forth fresh.... and then there are the fonts, the photos, the actions, the filters... everything is different. And they are all beautiful, in their little individual little spots.

But still, like some guest that just won't take a hint, that fear is lurking in the back of my mind. It says, don't push too hard, too fast. The fall will come. One day you will wake up and it will all be gone, and so will you. Like dandelion fluff...

Do you feel like that too? I know we complain about our mojo and where it's gone, but seriously... does it just go? and never come back? I know I won't lose my SKILLS in a hurry, but it's that inner vision that drives me... does that get bored? does it leave?

And share with us.... what's your favourite way of having an Art recharge? Got any good places, mags, whatever that you use to reload your inner vision?

I am, and always have been, inspired by words. I am a story teller. My photos tell stories, and so do my words. A good quote, even if I don't use it, is enough to make me leap up and dive for the computer to start pouring forth afresh.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Hum, ho hum...

I was supposed to spend last night backing up all my Psd's onto a stack of DVD's that *skip* bought me... Picasa has this cool backup feature that actually keeps track of what files you've backed up and if there are any added to or changed in your folders, it flags them for backup next time you do it... I thought that was PERFECT for my layouts.

However, it calculates the volume for me, and claims that it needs 2 DVD's to fit 4.4 gig on... When a dvd is 4.7 gig. I have searched and found no answer to this problem, have sent an SOS off to Picasa which may never get answered... so I think I might have to just bite the bullet and do it the old-fashioned way.

I have a question for the millions of digi-scrap girls who read my blog. Particularly those who use photoshop or a similar program. At what point in your life do you FLATTEN your images? Ever? I know that some of my layouts, I will never go into and fiddle with. Some of the older ones are so hideous I hide my face when they come on screen! But when I flatten, I lose all that other data, what font I used, if there's an overlay on there somewhere etc... Part of my process every couple of weeks is to write all that stuff down, which I do. But I have missed stuff in the past. So when and where do I draw the line?

Psd's are such enormous files... they really are ugly files to work with, and my computer doesn't like them very much. On a semi-regular basis they cause Windows Explorer to throw all sorts of hissy fits. But they are what they are, and I don't know if I want to lose them. However, I don't want an eiffel tower of DVD's at the end of things either...

Any words of wisdom for me?

On another note, tomorrow is Monday, the 30th of January... and we all know what that means!

Back to school for my little horrors oops I mean darlings. I have survived another long break. More importantly THEY have survived which was a close run thing tonight, I tell you. I don't think I could have gone one more week. Or even one more day.

Sammy is going into Grade 1, hehehe.... He's very excited. Same teacher as last year though, which is great because I really like her, and so does he. Tyson is going into Grade 3, which is now Middle Primary. He's not a junior anymore. He's returning to class with his Grade 1 teacher who had moved into higher grades last year, so that's a good thing. He's already used to him, that will make the transition a bit smoother. Who knows, he might even get homework or something. eeek. So I'd better get an early night, cos I have to be up and making lunches etc bright and early tomorrow. Need to get on the road early, cos a) all the traffic will be shocked, as we've all been not going on the road for 6 weeks, and b) parking is very limited at the school and I'll have to walk both of them in.

Whew... longer post than I expected. Night all!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

26 layouts....

No, not in this post... 26 layouts this month. And it's the 28th of January today, so that's not so bad.... and many many of them have been design team layouts too.

So lets show some off, ok?

Paper, elements, and overlay from Amy Knepper's Shabby Geek kit from Fonts used are Times and Times again, CBX Labelmaker, Texas Hero and Dirty Headline. Inked action from

Papers and elements from Amy Knepper's Style kit from Virtual photographer used on the photo. Wild tear from Fonts used were Century Gothic and Snowshoe.

Paper and elements rom Taste the Sunshine, a duo kit between Ashley Olson and Helen O'Daniel available at Modscraps Wild tear action from Fonts used are Pine Casual, My Old Remington and Snowshoe.

So, apart from the fact that I spend wayyyy too much time on the computer, which, after all is NOT news.... what else can you deduce from all that? Well, 1) AtomicCupcake has a new action and it's WICKED!! and 2) I have another font that I love.... snowshoe. Saw it on a layout that someone did, somewhere lol....

So, I might just have a rest for the last couple of days this month... I'm glad to have Amy back designing, it was just a bit too quiet on my computer without her. Now with 3 designers to keep me busy, I've got a bit more of a chance reaching our download limit....20 gig rofl... Ash has a big project in the works that I'm very excited to see, so that will be great inspiration for next month.

Well, maybe I'll just do a couple more wedding layouts instead... they're rather deliberately kept very simple, so they'll just keep the engine ticking over.

Night all!

Friday, January 27, 2006

EASY does it...


Oh, yes. Digital scrapping is so much EASIER than doing it with paper. It's so easy it's almost cheating...

This is the opinion of quite a few paper scrappers, and then we get the good old, Why would you want to do it that way anyway?

Well, I am here to tell you that it's NOT that easy. We might make it LOOK easy, because we are so efficient. But it's not easy. I have spent literally hours working with my software to organise, back up, and learn all the capabilities of what my Graphics program can do. Hours and hours of reading, experimenting... learning.

Ok, so now that that is done (HA - never done learning), it's easy, right? Wrong... It's so hard to keep things new, fresh, interesting. Sharon broached this question the other day... she's afraid of running out of ideas, although she never does. I have that same fear. When I was paper scrapping, I was lucky to get one layout finished a week.... Digital scrapping is such a different story, I got 2 layouts finished just this morning.... and I'm on 3 design teams, so there is a constant pressure to do your best for these people that have put faith in you, that are depending on you. You try keeping 30 layouts a month fresh and exciting. There is a lot of browsing magazines, galleries, you name it... all constantly looking for inspiration. For that next little fix to re-fill your tank.

Then there is gallery maintenance... uploading x number of layouts into y number of galleries. And because you don't want to be a snob, you need to take time in all those galleries to comment on other people's work, to share the love around and help encourage everyone around you. That sort of good will is just as important as actually creating the layouts, as you are that designers representative.... whether you like it or accept it or not.

And then, when you get a layout accepted for publication, there is the mad scramble through pages of galleries, including the Designer's own gallery, to find all the copies and cover them over.

My 5 year old can use a pair of scissors and a glue stick... this involves so much more finesse.... and it's a whole different proposition. One of the EASIEST things you can do when paper-scrapping is to tear a sheet of paper. A GOOD torn edge is one of the hardest things to replicate digitally. And try getting paper into a shape OTHER than a sqaure, rectangle, circle or oval... it takes time. Persistence to get it just right.

There is no EASIER or HARDER, it's just DIFFERENT. Different skills. But the basics are the same.... digital layout designers still work just as hard on matching papers to their photos, their composition, just the right accent, the right font.... Journalling from the heart is the same on a computer or by hand. Don't downplay all the mental creation we do, it's just the same.

So why do I do it? Because I can.... because I can clean up quickly, because I can be as creative as I dream of being. Because I'm cheap, and I have unlimited supplies on my computer. Because I can email them all over the world.... Because I can replicate them over and over again without ever having to buy a single sheet of paper.

Because I love doing it... but NOT because it's EASY. And don't try to tell me it's not real either .... when you can define reality and explain to me how televisions work, then you can tell me it's not real.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!

I love this idea for this layout....

Papers and elements all from Ashley Olson's Girl Board Shorts kit, available here from SBB store. Fonts used are Pine Casual, Fulton Artistamp and Foxscript. Created in PS7.

As soon as I saw that funky swirled paper in the kit, I had to use it!! I cut out all the dotted bits from a different piece of paper and put them on too... I had a lot of fun with this one.

So after reading Peta's comment somewhere recently about having finally found SS Digital 4 in her local newsagent, I wandered into mine, and lo and behold, one last lonely copy!! MINE, all MINE.... I'm so loving having Digi-specific stuff to drool over. I have all but decided to let some of my old magazines go on ebay... especially my collection of My Reflections mags.

If you ARE a scrapmag addict, make me an offer for them and save me the trouble of listing them!

And a special thankyou to Regina who sent me a copy of the new Scrapbooking Memories dvd on digital scrapping as a thankyou for the help I gave her on Qwyzzle.... what a sweetheart!!

Maybe more later, not sure at the moment!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


This was a good day, a bad day, and a sad day all rolled into one.

I have one toot to reveal, a secret to keep, and a piece missing from my heart.

I got a last minute email today for a layout for SC 30.... so the submit everything and wait theory strikes again. It's a gorgeous layout and one of my favourites (don't I always say that?), but they'd had it since November. Better late than never. 20 minutes later I got a fantastic other piece of news. More about that when the details are firmed up.

Sammy is at Grandma and Grandpa's, better known to you, dear readers, as MIG and FIG. He rang quite late tonight to say goodnight and got a bit choked up. I managed to talk him round, but my heart was crying.... I wanted him to come home. If I hadn't managed to get him happy again, I would have driven the hour and a half round trip to get him. At midnight. I'll do it at 3 am if he wants me.

He's my baby, my little one. He was a true companion when his brother had gone to school. We love pottering around shops together. He's my weakness, my achilles heel.

He is and always will be, simply SAMMY...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Promised layout!!

I'm so sorry, yesterday in all the fluff, I forgot to post the other missing layout from this months Scrapbook Creations.

Without further ado....

Background paper, Large letters, Frame and clear acrylic bubble from the Snapshot Mega Kit from Fonts used are Downcome, Wiggly and Uptown. Created in Photoshop 7.

This layout is also from back in September. It's also from one of the first kits I actually BOUGHT, so it's paid for itself now lol.

He had been quite sick, and then he was better, and happy and dancing. So I took some pictures.

As a funny side note, we no longer have those curtains! Funny how things change like that. Scrapbooks record more than just the moment, in a way.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Normal programming resumed....

In more ways than one...

The heat has finally broken, after 4 days of 40degrees in a row, the air is cool and it might even rain!! WHAT a relief.

And here's a gorgeous boy to celebrate with, because, after all, the SCRAPPING is what it's all about.

Papers, elements, funky doodles from Fernlilis great kit, Stupid Cupid.... cool name!
Fonts used are Mailart Rubberstamp and Penstyle.

Now, back to the wedding grind..... got 1 and a half more layouts done today :)

the DIGI UNIVERSE that I love...

This is a hard post for me to write. I've worked very hard to stay out of the arguments that have been going on around me. I have always felt that wading in would just add fuel to the fire, and wouldn't help. And I'm not here to argue. I just want to state some facts.

I was told today that I would have to remove my hard-earned DT blinkies from one of the first internet scrapbooking sites that I joined. Ok, it's their site, and their rules, but they are missing one valuable point. They have only just entered this world of digital, which I have been immersed in for 6 months now, and I've learnt a few facts in that time.

That it's NOT how the digital scrapbooking world works. In digital scrapping, all of the girls know each other, and many girls who are awesome designers in their own right, end up on DT's for other designers who sell at different stores even. It's all a big bowl of spaghetti really, you can't tell where you end and I begin.

Many of the digital sites are now "open" communities, because they have come to realise that being "exclusive" to only their own stuff actually drives people away. TheDigiChick is a classic example. They have an amazing store with the most fantastic designers - but you can put layouts using anyone's stuff in their gallery, and you can flash your DT's in your posts. It's all taken in good fun.

Because they understand that especially in the digital world, it doesn't matter what store you shop at. We come from all over the world, postage won't affect us. We will buy what appeals to us, at the price that appeals to us, and telling us we can come here or not go there will have absolutely NO effect on us. If the product is ugly, or over-priced, it won't sell, and trying to 'PRETEND' there is no competition or alternatives out there is just DELUSION.

And that's how the digital world is, and I hope very fervently, that's how it will stay. It's a COMMUNITY, not a competition. And I think that a lot of other places and people could learn from this attitude.

Now don't even bother flaming me, as I'm totally immune. But feel free to support me.

Thanks for your patience and attention :)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'm a good girl :)

I've been having so much fun doing my DT work, and playing with my new book, (and new scrap mags *skip* bought me today ! :D ), that I've been neglecting some other stuff.... namely, the wedding album I'm supposed to be doing for some friends. They gave me the photos wayyy back on the 4th of December, and didn't want the album until they came back (they live interstate) in February.

Ok, so it's nearly february. Oops. I had 3 original layouts done the very first night, nothing in between, and now another 3 finished tonight.... I promised them a full album, which is about 20 layouts, so, 14 to go. I didn't get to go to the wedding, so it's really hard to do something with these photos. They didn't want any real journalling or anything, just some "pretty pictures" which, I think, is almost harder. The inspiration comes slowly and in fits and starts.

Although with 2 days in a row of 40Degrees+ again, I've got nothing better to do THAN play on the computer, so, no more excuses.

AND I've nearly finished backing up all my psd's and jpgs etc. What a marathon this is turning out to be, but it's nearly done now.

The new Scrapbook Creations (Issue 26) has been out for a while, so I can re-upload the 2 layouts I had published in there... one today, one tomorrow, ok?

Papers and chipboard label from Tammy Bankston's His closet freebie from ScrapArtist. Stitching is from Jen Wilson's Boyish Charm elements. Fonts used are Heliosphan and grumble. Created waaayyyy back 11th September 2005.

Ok, night all!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Layouts, layouts and more layouts...

Ok, so I'm not QUITE ready to post my review on Designing with Digital just yet. But just reading it did inspire me to finish off this layout that I had started yesterday and now turned out quite differently from what I'd expected. I'm quite proud of this one, it works really well, for more than one reason.

Papers and daisy cut outs from Ashley Olson's Soothing Paper pack, from SBB. Bubble alpha from her blog freebie, which you have already, haven't you! Shmootzy erased frame from ScrapArtist. Fonts used are Carpenter ICG and AL Script Hand.

Special thanks must also go to *skip* for taking some time to CC it and help me tweak it a little. He's a great sounding board for me.

So, it's been amazingly hot here today, and there was nothing to do BUT scrap. The boys were amusing themselves with Jigsaw puzzles, and so I had some time to get a challenge done. I love Shabby Miss Jenn's style, and when I saw that she was Scraplift 10 over at the digi-scraplift blog, I had to give it a go.... see the original blog post HERE

So, this is my take on it... I kept some bits and changed others, and I really like how it turned out.

All the papers and elements are a combination of two Jessica Bolton kits from Eclectic Scraps - Cool Jeans and Ordinary people.... Love this kit. It's very me. And it's on sale. GO GRAB~!!~
Fonts used were Jane Austen, Acoustic Bold and Another Typewriter.

I actually have plenty more layouts in my goody bag waiting to be unleashed on you all, but I'll have to hold them over for another day... And stay tuned, apparently I've been tagged AGAIN and will be wowing you all with my witty repartee another day.

Tagged, tagged and double tagged

I have lost count of the number of my tags for this quiz this week, so I'd better get off my tushie and do it for you.... Sandi, Lisa, AmyK, and I think there was someone else in there somewhere too....

Four jobs you have had in your life
1. In High School I stacked shelves at the local library - love books, and got big strong arms!
2. Worked for Dept of Employment, Education and Training, various positions
3. Also worked as an assessor for Austudy there... that was busy.
4. MOTHER.... can I go back to Austudy instead?

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Bride and Prejudice
2. Dating the enemy
3. Knight's tale
4. Ummm.... Spiderman 2

Four Places You Have Lived
1. With my parents (twice!)
2. Our first flat in Myrtle Bank
3. Our hideous rental house in Glynde..
4. Adelaide Hills

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
1. House
2. CSI - any of them!
3. Criminal Intent
4. The original Law and Order, love the re-runs.

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. QLD
2. NT
3. Tasmania
4. Victoria, (Great ocean road)

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Blogs blogs and more blogs
2. Scrapbook-bytes
3. Digiscrapdivas
4. and still more blogs... wherever the clicking wind may take me....

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Chocolate
2. Spicy chips, love the new Asian sweet/sour flavours
3. Satay sauce
4. Barbeques!!

Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Definitely the beach
2. Sitting under (or very close to) a tropical waterfall
3. Asleep.... in a cool house
4. Umm.... I'm pretty happy where I am otherwise...

Four Bloggers You Are Tagging

I kinda have to skip this step, because I reckon I'm the last in the chain.... Everyone has done it that I can see... but if you read this and you HAVEN'T done it, or have been putting it off, tag, YOU are IT!!

Meanwhile, my Designing with Digital book and CD arrived today, and I'll post a "review" of sorts later for your reading pleasure. It's already inspired a very different layout out of me... so we'll see what else I get up to.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

More photo fun

I had a great time editing this one, using the Lomo effect, see older post. Instead of a sepia overlay, I picked the colour out of the paper and gave it a blue look, and I'm really happy with it. I'm also really happy because I'm following my personal challenge, to scrap more of the everyday and to journal more.

Journalling reads: "You are such a bright spark to have around the house. Your energy and constant flow of ideas is, at times, exhausting, but always entertaining. You came up with these walking sticks. You & Sam had so much fun making them and then walking in circles around the house, cracking jokes and being silly. Tyson, you both drive me insane & fill me with pride, from minute to minute. I’m always excited and at the same time dreading, what you’ll get up to on your NEXT BIG ADVENTURE"

All the papers are from Ashley Olson's Sea Breeze kit, available here at SBB. "T" from her silver clip alpha, also from SBB. Fonts used are journaling hand, Stamp Act and Splendid 66.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Run, don't walk!!

You need to get your little butts over to, cos Jessica is having a mega mega sale.... and all those kits you've oohed and aahed over in the past are possibly going to be retired. But, meanwhile, they are 75% off. Seriously. Not a typo.

What a sale....

Can't blog, must shop!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

First new team layout!!

Well, here it is..... it's actually the third one I've done, but I decided to upload it first because Ashley put her new kit into the shop today. I'm very excited to be working with such a great group of inspiring gals... ash included.

Papers and elements including those cute little tags and stamps all from Ash's new Hot for you kit. Fonts used are FB Sunrise, Fulton artistamp and Antique type. Inked action from Atomic Cupcake. Fab little i letter from her Bubble alpha freebie, see previous post!!

I love this photo... so relaxed and happy. We were playing 500 with a group of friends, just joking around etc.

Meanwhile I've also been busy attempting to back up most of my pc. Did the photos and stuff on the weekend, am doing layouts at the moment. Which is hard because I'm one of these obsessive compulsive types that keeps everything as a psd, just in case. So they take up MEGA space... I'm having to major compress them to get more than a few on a cd.... so just to be on the safe side, I sat down and created a full size full resolution jpeg of each one as well, as a separate back up on a separate set of cd's... not a small undertaking. 150 layouts later my fingers are tired.... but it's nearly done. Now I just need to stop creating for a day, just to get up to DATE!

Ok, it's late now, and I'm still tired. I know, I'm always tired. But really, I am. I think *skip* has already gone to bed without telling me, the house has that empty, quiet feel. Over the top of lenny kravitz in my headphones of course lol...

Night all!

ALPHA cute!!

Are you an alpha addict like me? I just love these things, can't get enough of them.

For a limited time you can pick up this adorable alpha off Ash's blog, and with it you get a discount coupon for her SBB store, for her "Trendsetter" paper pack. How cool is that?

So, go forth and pick it up - HERE

Monday, January 16, 2006

Tired..... so tired

It's 10.15 in the evening, and I've been up since 5 am. Had to take *skippy* to the airport, and it's actually such a rare thing for us to need to go somewhere like that, I was determined to take him, so the kids could see the plane and all the cool stuff at airports... like the metal detectors/xrays and all the guys with guns. Sad. *Skip* had to take off his BELT for the metal detector.... which could have been worse, the guy he was going to Melbourne with from work had to take off his SHOES. How ridiculous. And he wasn't the only one, as we were leaving I saw a chick in a cotton peasanty skirt carrying her shoes from the detector back to the scanner. She didn't look impressed either. How on earth would they cope if it was a frail 80yr old granny? Crazy.

So, we had 2 lots of visitors today, a last minute play date, and then the twin's mother came over for coffee after dinner. (I made chocolate cake too.... yum). I had rung her very excited about 2 pm because one of the layouts I did for her of her daughter, Charli, had been accepted by SC. She was over the moon! She hadn't even seen the layout yet, so she had to come over and suss it out and have a chat. We sit at the table, flicking mags and having a good chinwag. It's all cool. So she didn't leave until 10, and then I had to ring my honey at the hotel and say good night. Now it's time to do all the things that he usually does for me, feed the dog, tuck the kids in. And tuck myself in.

I'm rambling.... tired.

Have a pretty layout instead.

All papers and fab elements from Ferlilis new kit, Stupid Cupid. Inked edge action from AtomicCupcake. Fonts used are Susie's hand and Secretarial Pool.

I've been having so much FUN learning to edit photos and really picked up some great tricks along the way. This picture was no exception. And aren't we cute? (and young!). 9 years ago last month. We actually had that song (the title of the layout) playing as we were signing the register/certificate etc... we thought it was appropriate. And when I saw all these funky hearts in the kit, the hardest part was choosing which one to use. Way cool.

And now, to bed.

Later all!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Photo WOW!!

Ok, I really shouldn't share this with you, because then the secret is out and you won't stare in wonder at me anymore....

Oh, yeah, didn't you realise? that's your job!! My job is to be amazing, and your job is to be amazed. Ok, just kidding.

I am a member of a few yahoo groups, not to mention a blog-hopper, and this came my way this evening, and I couldn't wait to play. I already read Anita's blog on a semi-regular basis (daily as opposed to those blogs I check several times a day hahaha).

I had never heard of these Cameras before, but it's a "Faux Lomo" effect to simulate this amazing look obtained, by all people, by the KGB. Man, those guys could teach ME some stuff. Even DH approves, which is a bit scary.

Here's the before pic. Very before.... NO post processing done at all, which I would normally at least tidy it up a BIT... 350D's leave grey casts on photos, that are very easy to take out and make a world of difference. Ok, off topic again. Sorry. :)

First I fiddled with it myself and converted it to a very nice sepia... (If I do say so myself....)

Then, all you need to do is go HERE and follow Anita's very simple steps.... and this is what you'll get.

Isn't it a stunning effect? Not one I'd use on EVERY photo, ok, but MAN.... this is just what I needed with all the extra scrapping I'll be getting up to! So THANKS Anita, you rock!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

More tootin'

Of a slightly different kind....

As a last minute, why not, I'm getting used to rejection kinda thing, I applied for Ashley Olsen's new design team - she needed 10 girls to rebuild her team for an exciting new year.

Well, I got ACCEPTED. I was stoked on Thursday when I found out, but today, I get up and see the list of the other girls I'm working with, and WOW. I feel like I'm among some serious scrap royalty. Lots of these girls blog, so I'll try to update with links to their blogs if you want to meet them.

First off (and definitely smallest on this list!) is me.....

AmyJo Smith
Angela Barton
Gina Miller
Kathy Moore
Katie the Scrapbook Lady
Maegan Birr
Tiffany Hix

Ash's blog can be found HERE.

She sells at Modscraps and at SBB, and I'm so excited to be a part of what she's up to!

So, hopefully that will keep me quiet for a while, cos it's been a bit slow with Amy off having her baby and everything. And hopefully it will keep me out of the shops for a while. HA.

So, very exciting news. Another blinkie for my arsenal!!


Friday, January 13, 2006

i KNEW it....

I knew that feeling yesterday, and today I have had a steadily increasing sore throat, and I ache all over... I got run down with not sleeping well, and now I'll pay the price. *waah*.

To cheer me up, also because he's going to Melbourne for 2 days next week and abandoning me... *rub it in some more* my DH *skip* let me do a teeny bit of shopping today.

I hopped onto ebay and bought Designing with Digital... at a bargain price. I had scoped them out last weekend and showed him, and today when he suggested it, I discovered that of the 2 that were on sale last week, one was gone... so I decided I had to grab the other one... NOW.

And I also waited very patiently for SBB store to re-open. Trust Jen Wilson to have a great sale that actually CRASHED the STORE.... too funny. I so wasn't in the mood for kits or anything, so I just grabbed up some more basic paper packs. But it felt good to shop.

Now, how come I only just discovered THIS site...

What a fantastic idea!! So there's another source of inspiration for you all, scrap-maps, Just ad, and now, digi-scraplift. Woohoo! I'll keep an eye on this one.

Ok... no layouts I think tonight. I'm starting to lose track of what I've posted and what I haven't, and I'm currently trying to get my SBB Gallery up to date as well. And I got a new kit from Fernlili to work on too. Keeping busy.

I need to take my tea-pot and my sore throat to bed.... night all!

And stay tuned tomorrow cos you might want to know some news!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Right now I know I should be over the moon.... I've had magazine success, design team success, I know I have friends around me who love me, and a wonderful family.

But I am so tired right now, I just feel numb. Nothing. Don't even want to look at photos. Definitely don't want to scrap. Empty. Tired.

It's been a rough, busy and exciting day. And long. Seriously loooong. I'm already ready for it to be over. My bed is calling, and it's not quite 6pm.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I can't believe it, but I've had so many toots lately, I decided to have a honk on my horn instead of a toot this time....

Krys still likes me!!

Yay!! I submitted some pages for Scrapbooking Memories current page calls, and got 2 acceptances within an hour of each other this afternoon.

One acceptance for a layout that I did back in September, and still love to this day, so that was good. Great even.... lol

The other acceptance was for a layout that I shot the pictures for Saturday night, scrapped on Sunday, and submitted it Monday, and it got accepted Wednesday. It never even GOT uploaded anywhere.... how's THAT for fast!!

So now you'll just have to wait and see it in the magazine ;)

Have a different layout to look at instead....

This is the one I was doing yesterday when I really should have been doing wedding photos. But it always has been my all-time favourite baby photo of Tyson.

Papers from Jen Wilson’s Layers upon Layers Collection, Seafoam Memoirs. T from Michelle Coleman’s Distressed alpha from Acrylic circle from Dani Mogstad’s Acrylic Alphabet from Font used is Susie’s Hand. Created in Photoshop 7.

I have to send a shout-out to Sandi who got me hooked on this Susie's hand font. I love it to BITS and have used it on soooo many layouts. Thanks heaps Sandi!!

I totally adore this layout, I think it's going to have to be my signature "tyson" layout. Will maybe get it framed, the colours would look well on the wall. It's funny, cos I went to keep adding things to it, and just gave up in the end.... the more I put on there, the worse it looked. Simple IS best sometimes. I like simple.

So, it's bedtime now... who knows what excitement tomorrow will bring! :)

How cool is this!!

For those that can't read it (including me) it says that they will be discussing DIGI SCRAPPING on Martha Stewart on Friday.

Ok, so now I officially know we've made it into the craft world. If Martha likes it, we're MADE!!

She is the trend queen. See how everyone went nuts over ponchos after she wore one? Well, brace yourselves for an influx of new interest with this great promotional possibility.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Can anyone please explain to me why, with a mountain of Wedding photos from my friend and his new bride, I'm suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to scrap some of T's baby photos? Whatever you have to do, something else is always MORE appealing....

So have a layout instead....

Background and “m” paper from SomethingBlueStudios Weather or Not (recoloured). Mat and stripe paper from Jen Wilson’s Layers upon Layers collection, (Highland Mountain). Schmootzy frame from Inked edge action from Fonts used are Pushkin, Pharmacy, Antique Type and Top Secret.

I so LOVE that quote... and that picture. Just drifting along, going nowhere in a hurry. That's where I want to be, right now.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I have noticed a enormous JUMP in hits to my blog since I started mentioning this game.

To the person who just left me an anonymous comment begging (very serious begging) for help, I'd love to help you. However, I refuse to spoil the fun of the game by posting the answers here. And if I could email you, I would. But it doesn't seem to leave email addresses for Anonymous comments.

No 7, the question mark one... Um... I have NO idea which one this is, let me go refresh my memory.

Ok... that's actually one of those d'oh, smack your head with your hand moments. No 7. It had me stumped for a while.

Try googling the EXACT question. In quotes. The VERY FIRST answer will be the right one.

Have fun!!!

(btw, this is a one off.... this isn't a qwyzzle blog, i'm just taking pity on you). You're on your own from here on in.

Bright colours!

I wasn't sure how to use these papers, or these photos in fact, until they got together and looked FAB!! I was with Charli's mum when she bought these outfits, embroidered tops and jeans for the girls, yellow for Charli and pink for Madison. Loved them both. Why do boys clothes have to be all army and guns and SKULLS for pities sakes.

This layout created for the sketch challenge at DigiScrapDivas, sketch by the wonderful Miss Bree.

Papers from Aegean Summer Free papers downloaded from SomethingBlueStudios. Tag template and Schmootzy frame from ScrapArtist. Staple from Fernlilis Confections of a pre-teen. Inked edge action from AtomicCupcake.

Fonts used are Fulton Artistamp, Antique type, Susie's hand and Times and Times again.

I'm loving creating again at the moment, and I can highly recommend for any one who's slightly 'blocked' to give some sketches a go... I can't rave enough about Bree's sketches, they get my mojo going EVERY time. Got some more layouts to post, have been *thinking* about them again. Nearly ready to come out. Nearly......

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Think PINK

Ok, I've not been much of a pink person for the last 10 years or so.

But when I got this kit it just "spoke" to me!! And it said, "Cassie" Put that embarrassing photo of you at 12 on the internet. LOL.

Ok, so here it is!

Papers, elements and doodles from Fernlilis FAB new kit, Confections of a Pre-teen. I'm loving doodles at the moment!

journaling reads " After a ceremony at the local hall, we had a kids only disco at the school. I thought I looked pretty special in the dress Mum made & with my matching pink belt, tights & shoes." Fonts used were Aljo, AL Old Remington, 4990810 and Pharmacy.

Ok, so don't do yourself an injury laughing TOO hard!! I flatly refuse to pay anyone's medical bills. Reading this blog is entirely at your own risk!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

New project..

Ok, I think I have a *bit* on my plate, but I'm concerned how my focus has slipped off photography. So, I've given myself a new challenge....

Wait for it....

I have a NEW BLOG. I will keep updating this one, because I can no sooner stop digi-scrapping (and talking about it) as I can stop breathing, and hey, with broadband I can juggle plenty of things.

The new blog is going to be dedicated to pictures. I'm HOPING to post one a day.

So drop on by and say hello!!


Friday, January 06, 2006

PAPER scrapping!!

Well, canvas and ribbon and paint and paper to be precise. However, no photo, which is the hard part.

My darling *nephew* Remy's Mum has a cousin, who just had a baby. And she wanted a special present for her, so she asked me to make a canvas like I had made for Remy. Now Remy's canvas was one of the last paper scrapped items I've made, and he's about to turn 6 months old. Eeeek.

So I said yes.

Silly me.

However, I'm very happy with how it turned out, and even *skip* approves, so that's pretty good.

Canvas size is 40 by 40cm square, and I've left a photo mat in the centre for a 5 by 7 inch Portrait style photo. I'd suggest to them b/w but it's up to them (I've never met the mother in this case....)

Neway, judge for yourselves.

And this is the reason why I much prefer the computer for my scrapping.... this was this afternoon, I"ve worked on it another 6 hours since, and trust, me, the mess got worse!! ;)

Now all I have to do is get her to convince the baby's Mum to get me in to take her portrait!! I'd much rather do that :)

Now I have to go clean all that UP!! LOL.

Later all!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tooting AGAIN!!

My horn gets blown a bit more lately, how exciting!!

Last evening I got an email from Jennifer Pebbles commisioning one of my Heritage layouts for DMM for the upcoming issue. It's due out about the 15th I think. Their contract says I can't show it for 6 months, so you'll just have to download the magazine instead!!

I'm so excited, I know I'm going to be in some seriously elevated company.

Woohooooo TOOT TOOT.....

And on another note, I've had another enquiry about a family portrait session. Umm. Am going to have to have a serious think about all this, as it's getting a more common request. I'm not so good with the grown-up photos, you know? I feel like babies and kids are my limit. But will see what I can come up with.

Another layout to come with Fernlili's new fantastic kit, but SBB gallery is down at the moment, so I can't post it like I wanted to :(. And I'm not sure about posting it at DSD, as their gallery seems to be turning into another one of those post and don't comment ones. Which really gets on my nerves, as I try to comment on at least 2 or 3 layouts minimum for every layout that I post. I'm sick of gallery free-loaders. Grumble grumble, rant rant.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Quick layout...

I showed this to *skip* last night, and he was really really impressed. So I thought I'd show it to you.

I discovered a new digi-scrap place (well, new to me) where there are some AWESOME freebies if you navigate their tricky and at times, frustrating, download system. It is SO worth persevering. This layout "exploded" out of my fingertips yesterday at about a quarter to 5. It was done so fast, I didn't get time to blink. And I love it.

So go forth to and be inspired too.

Not to mention that they have one of my FAVOURITE scrappers, Dani Mogstad, as a CT.... What more could you ask?

Papers from, Weather or not freebie and Stitched Triangles from their store. Schmootzy frame and alpha from Inked edge action from Fonts used are AL Sandra and Problem Secretary.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day everyone!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


I've been creating a lot. My ever loving husband has shelled out a bit of money for some new toys, and I've been using them heaps. Partly to make me feel better for asking for money, and partly because, FINALLY my digital taste has improved and I've bought some great stuff, that I really want to use.

You've seen some of it already. 4 of the new Jen Wilson Layers upon Layers sets. And her flowers. Kim Christensen's great Dirty shirt papers and elements too.

So here's some more layouts using them all. Some of them I've been tweaking for a while, and I'm just going to have to say ENOUGH. For better or worse they are done.

Dotted papers, elements, stitching etc from Kim Christensen's Dirty Shirt set. Background paper from Trish Jones (Family Portrait I think) Eclectic Mix Cd. Inked edge action from Fonts used are AL Postmaster, 4990810, AL Charisma and bulky Refuse Type.

Papers, stitching and elements all from Kim Christensen's Dirty Shirt pack. (Plain blue is recoloured). Fonts used are Mailart Rubberstamp, LoveMeAvenue and SBC Love Mom.

Background paper from Black Elegance set by Jen Wilson. Small square paper from Highland Mountain from Jen Wilson's Layers upon Layers collection. Font used is LoveMeAvenue.

Background and Mat paper from Jen Wilson's Layers upon Layers collection, Meadow Fair. Flower and centre from her Scrap Street florist. Stitching from Kim Christensen's Dirty Shirt elements (re-coloured). Doodles by Angie Briggs. White frame by Michelle Coleman (ATC Brushes). Stitched corner from Inked edge action from Fonts are AL Professor, AL Sandra and LoveMeAvenue.

Meanwhile, it appears that I'm NOT one of the Best and Brightest, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. But that does mean that I can show you some of my layouts now, I hope. Keep your eyes peeled!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Some new layouts for you

I've been busy scrapping when I'm blocked at Qwyzzle.... I don't really want to blab on much today, so lets just get into it, ok?

Papers are from Jen Wilson's Layers upon layers collection, Morning Breeze. Gorgeous blues and patterns. Stitching is from Dani Mogstad's Fab fall embellishments. Inked edge action from Fonts used are Another Typewriter and Mark.

Papers from Jen Wilson's new Layers upon Layers collection, this is Seafoam Memoirs. Love this mix of minty green and pink.

Frame and M stamp from schmootzy frames and stamps. Stitching is from Kim Liddiard's Sweet freebie, recoloured. Fonts used are Typewriter, Texas Hero and Stamp Act. Created in PS7.

Background paper is Jen Wilson's Innocent cream paper, other paper and elements (including the stitching) from Kim Christensen's Dirty Shirt pack. Acrylic Alpha from Dani Mogstad.

Fonts used are BN Pinky and Typewriter. Created in PS7.

Papers and elements from Kim Christensen's Dirty Shirt set. Flowers (recoloured) and centres from Jen Wilson's Scrapstreet flower shop. Schmootzy alpha stamps from Nancie Rowe Janitz at ScrapArtist. Inked edge action from

Fonts used are CBX Labelmaker and FB Sprinkles. Created in PS7.

They are all uploaded into my gallery at Digiscrapdivas, so if you're registered there, feel free to stop by and say how much you like them ;)

Otherwise, I've got more cupboard cleaning out to do, and will catch you all later!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

What a beautiful sight....

This is the picture for the next few hours... what a wonderful sight.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE hot weather and HATE winter, but 2 days at around 40 in a row is just too much... can't I have a week at 32 instead?

But help is on the way..

Meanwhile, I have actually been scrapping while I've been Qwyzzling - most recently double teaming with Sharon, and MAN did we make some progress!! Level 75 - wicked!

Let me get my brain in gear and I'll post some layouts later....

Later y'all!