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Makes me stronger

Whatever doesn't kill me.... makes me stronger. Random snippets from our chaotic lives, to keep the relo's and everyone else out there entertained! ;) Header paper from "Style" by Amy Knepper. Fonts used are Broken 15 and Arial.

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Location: Australia

SAHM of 2 boys, Ty and Sam. Wife of nine years to Skip. Usually seen with my face behind my camera!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Tired..... so tired

It's 10.15 in the evening, and I've been up since 5 am. Had to take *skippy* to the airport, and it's actually such a rare thing for us to need to go somewhere like that, I was determined to take him, so the kids could see the plane and all the cool stuff at airports... like the metal detectors/xrays and all the guys with guns. Sad. *Skip* had to take off his BELT for the metal detector.... which could have been worse, the guy he was going to Melbourne with from work had to take off his SHOES. How ridiculous. And he wasn't the only one, as we were leaving I saw a chick in a cotton peasanty skirt carrying her shoes from the detector back to the scanner. She didn't look impressed either. How on earth would they cope if it was a frail 80yr old granny? Crazy.

So, we had 2 lots of visitors today, a last minute play date, and then the twin's mother came over for coffee after dinner. (I made chocolate cake too.... yum). I had rung her very excited about 2 pm because one of the layouts I did for her of her daughter, Charli, had been accepted by SC. She was over the moon! She hadn't even seen the layout yet, so she had to come over and suss it out and have a chat. We sit at the table, flicking mags and having a good chinwag. It's all cool. So she didn't leave until 10, and then I had to ring my honey at the hotel and say good night. Now it's time to do all the things that he usually does for me, feed the dog, tuck the kids in. And tuck myself in.

I'm rambling.... tired.

Have a pretty layout instead.

All papers and fab elements from Ferlilis new kit, Stupid Cupid. Inked edge action from AtomicCupcake. Fonts used are Susie's hand and Secretarial Pool.

I've been having so much FUN learning to edit photos and really picked up some great tricks along the way. This picture was no exception. And aren't we cute? (and young!). 9 years ago last month. We actually had that song (the title of the layout) playing as we were signing the register/certificate etc... we thought it was appropriate. And when I saw all these funky hearts in the kit, the hardest part was choosing which one to use. Way cool.

And now, to bed.

Later all!


Blogger Unknown said...

That lo is just gorgeous! Very nicely put together and my you do look young!!!

Sandi :)

11:19 pm  
Blogger ksharonk said...

Don't you make a gorgeous young couple ... hope you had a great night, and feel better this morning! :)

7:58 am  
Blogger Lisa said...

You have been tagged!! I had to raid the Blog thread on Scrapboxx to find new people :)
BTW what a gorgeous LO!!

11:51 am  

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