Ok, so admit it.... We all have some Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in our system... I know I do. I have one in particular which is rather funny, but has its benefits too. Whenever I go out of the house I HAVE to have the keys in my hand. Not in my pocket, or my bag, or whatever. Actually touching my hand. Touching my hand IN my pocket is ok, but I'll usually pull them out, just to be sure. I don't need them to lock the door - it's a set and bang lock, but I am SO paranoid about shutting myself out, I don't even trust my bag not to have lost them in the 30 seconds they have been in there. I'll just hold them, just in case.
OCD number 2 is compulsive figure watching. Particularly downloads, but it's migrated into Zip progess watching etc.... I just CAN"T tear myself away, and have been known to run into *skip's* office shouting, 90% I'm nearly there!! on occasion. This is a source of fun for the whole family in fact. Which isn't normally a problem until today. I am downloading a rather large kit. 790mb worth. Which wouldn't be so bad, but I am supporting a 'bittorrent' download version, and as it's early morning in America, and not many ppl have downloaded it anyway, progress is S L O W..... it's averaging something really sucky as far as speed goes, and I'm SOOO frustrated.
If I was to sit here and watch it, as I normally do, I would still be here next week. Seriously. *skip* promises that it will get faster as the day progresses on the other side of the globe, but I am not so hopeful anymore.
However, I will persevere, because the Kit is totally worth it. It is a donation kit, to fund Breast Cancer Awareness. $10 US get's you the link, and it's HUGE. All donated by wonderful scrappers, including my boss Amy!
Find out more
HERE and get a preview of the kit
HERE. It's a great cause, so go ahead, download it and have fun!!
On another topic entirely, I would like to give Douglas Adams a slap upside the head. *skip* and I decided last night that we would rent some movies. I cannot remember the last time we did so, and was really looking forward to it. We rented the new "Hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy."
Ok, rewind a few years to my disreputable past. I have been a Hitchie for a long time. I have the books, the radio plays on cd, and even an old video of the tv series. Leon, if you ever read this, ooops sorry. Would return it but, Ummmm can't. I know it WORD for WORD. I know the characters, their motives, flaws, plots and sub-plots. The one-liners and the whole pagers. *skip* got so sick of feeling left out, after nearly 9 years of marriage, he gave in and read the books. The first 4 of them, straight up. (I hated no.5) Then he listened to the radio shows with me 2.
We had some hopes for the movie. We didn't expect it to be such a bad caricature. It was HOPELESS. Ok, this is just my opinion, but hey, I paid MONEY to see this, and it was terrible. So I'm entitled to a little vent! The characters were poor, and over the top. I didn't expect it to stay faithfully to the plot, but it was wayway wayway off track. The only character I liked was Slartibartfast, and that was very unexpected as in the book he didn't seem to be that likable. But as for Zaphod, and Ford, and even Arthur, well, words fail me. Not to mention that the chick who played Trillian is a DEAD RINGER for my next door neighbour. I mean, that's disconcerting enough as it is!
We watched "The Bourne Supremacy" straight afterwards instead of leaving it until another night. Just to wash the bad taste out of our heads. That was a good movie. (I like Matt Damon!) and I have 2 more to watch "The Pacifier" (just for you Peta!) and "Under the tuscan sun" or whatever it's called. I can't remember if it's sun or sky. You know the one I mean....
So anyway, it's back to school in the morning, so I guess I'd actually better go to bed before midnight for the first time all week.
Just let me watch my download a littttlllle longer.... lol. It's at 7.7%. This could take a little more than a while.
Bye guys!!