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Makes me stronger

Whatever doesn't kill me.... makes me stronger. Random snippets from our chaotic lives, to keep the relo's and everyone else out there entertained! ;) Header paper from "Style" by Amy Knepper. Fonts used are Broken 15 and Arial.

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Location: Australia

SAHM of 2 boys, Ty and Sam. Wife of nine years to Skip. Usually seen with my face behind my camera!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Curious fact about scrapping....

I did always think that I was producing a regular supply of digital layouts, but since I got on to this design team, (last week! lol) I have turned into a prolific creator....

I did three layouts yesterday alone (2 using DT papers). I hate to count how many I've done in the past 2 weeks, but it's something like 10 or more. And the flow is not stopping.

However, I've had to resort to sweet-talk to get some new toys.

Dianne Rigdon just opened up her own shop and had a opening sale, so of course, I had to get a kit I've had my eye on for a while. "Provence", and I grabbed her 'Rococo brushes' just in case too!

And now ScrapArtist has had a sale.... first it was the Schmootzy frames, and today it was the Schmootzy Alpha stamps and the Distressed alpha stamps. I love paypal! But where will it all end?

I think the time has come to give my computer a bit of a cull.... When I started digi-scrapping, all of 3 months ago haha, I went a bit nuts on free kits. There are a lot out there if you know where to look, and believe me, I LOOKED!! However as time has gone on, I have found, made, been given or bought more and better kits. I have saved everything I've downloaded onto cd's, but they are still cluttering up my directories. Maybe it's time to really look at what I will and won't use.

Meanwhile, Remy's album is still chuffing along. I've got 5 pages now I think, I was aiming for 8 cos then I can make a folded mini album for his mum. I also got my pocket money yesterday, so I got 4 more layouts printed for my little album. Only four spots left, I really must buy some refills soon. Especially as there are.... umm.... 50 odd layouts still to print and put in there? and I'm producing more than 4 layouts a fortnight, so I'm not really getting AHEAD!

Here's one of yesterday's layouts, I totally love it. One of those form follows function ideas - I HAD to change it to black and white, Sam was wearing a red tshirt, with a bright orange jumper under his arm, and had a bright green wheelbarrow behind him!! The butterfly got a bit lost in all that. It was also a special layout because it was the first one that my Dad had been interested in watching me make. He's suddenly got quite interested, and has taken my Ali Edwards book home to read. So maybe he'll be scrapping next?

Paper, strip and "Wonder" plaque all from Amy's All Boy Page kit.
Fonts used are Salamander and Sloppy.
Created in PS7.

Ok, off to shops, post, etc etc.

And yes, the boys are home now, and YES they are driving me nuts! Wouldn't have it any other way!



Blogger ksharonk said...

I know what you mean about collecting digi kits and papers ... you have to be ruthless. If you don't like it, ditch it! Or if it makes you feel better, burn it to cd, so you can change your mind later ... ;) You can do it, go Cass!!!

5:10 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love those photos, Cass! How awesome that you were able to catch such a great shot! :)

And I know I went through that collection phase in the beginning too! I finally had to get ruthless and deleted a whole lot of stuff I knew I would absolutely never use. It makes it much easier to scrap when you don't have to sort through so much stuff, IMO!

1:14 am  
Blogger Peta said...

haha I did the cull when my computer was playing up I think you just out grow some things...

As you already know - I just love that Butterfly layout!! Love what you did with the photos :)

5:09 pm  

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