Well, it got a bit chatty in here all of a sudden, didn't it! Thanks for stopping in everyone.
Quick post tonight, got work to do and stuff... but I'm behind on my layout posting, and I wanted to brighten up your day...
Isn't this the most gorgeously coloured kit? As soon as I opened it, I thought of this photo.. I don't know where I got that jumper from or what happened to it, but it's so cute!
Catch you later everyone, and feel free to chat away without me! :)
Quick post tonight, got work to do and stuff... but I'm behind on my layout posting, and I wanted to brighten up your day...
Isn't this the most gorgeously coloured kit? As soon as I opened it, I thought of this photo.. I don't know where I got that jumper from or what happened to it, but it's so cute!
Papers and elements from Fernlilis Moxie kit, except for the stitching which is from her Mother's apron kit. Fonts used are LoveMeAvenue and CBX-Watson. Inked and Wild tear actions from AtomicCupcake.
Catch you later everyone, and feel free to chat away without me! :)
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