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Makes me stronger

Whatever doesn't kill me.... makes me stronger. Random snippets from our chaotic lives, to keep the relo's and everyone else out there entertained! ;) Header paper from "Style" by Amy Knepper. Fonts used are Broken 15 and Arial.

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Location: Australia

SAHM of 2 boys, Ty and Sam. Wife of nine years to Skip. Usually seen with my face behind my camera!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Rain, rain, go away!!

Man, I am so tired today. We had a massive storm last night, and I was awake for most of it. AT 2AM I might add. I just can't fall asleep when my room is lit up like a disco and boom boom rattles the windows. Call me silly, but there it is.

However, that didn't stop me from going to the hairdresser, (sick Sam in tow and all). When Andrew gets around to taking a nice photo of me, I might just post it for you!!

Meanwhile I got the new Notebook today, and instantly started scrapping up a storm. I don't know what it is about magazines in general, and that one in particular, but as soon as I read one, I get itchy fingers and usually don't even make it half-way before I have abandoned it and hopped on the computer.

Here's one of todays offerings, the others are under wraps a while longer.

These yummy papers are another FernLili freebie. Love these 50's kits she's putting out.
Font used was MKLimesCondensed.

and I do promise that I will get to the holiday photos soon. I'm just not very motivated at the moment, and it HAS NOT stopped raining for most of the day.... and night so far too.

So, night all!


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