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Makes me stronger

Whatever doesn't kill me.... makes me stronger. Random snippets from our chaotic lives, to keep the relo's and everyone else out there entertained! ;) Header paper from "Style" by Amy Knepper. Fonts used are Broken 15 and Arial.

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Location: Australia

SAHM of 2 boys, Ty and Sam. Wife of nine years to Skip. Usually seen with my face behind my camera!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Holiday layouts!

Well, I still haven't even got around to the mountain of photo editing waiting for me. I'm just NOT in the mood today. I also didn't think I was in the mood to scrap, but 2 layouts later and maybe I was wrong about that.

These are both from our trip, pretty self explanatory.

This layout was for this weeks font challenge at SBB. Title using Jack Lantern BB, Journalling etc in Kelly and Chonker.

This layout is for the weekly challenge at Scrapboxx, about a "first". Fonts used are 2 fantastic Melissa Baxter ones. FB Buttercream for the title, FB Sprinkles for the journalling.

I did mention yesterday that SBB had an amazing free kit, called Vintage Artistry for download at the moment. Both of these layouts use papers and elements from that kit (some recoloured). The only thing that isn't from it, is my stitching. It's an amazine kit, and it's free which is fantastic. Top quality designers, and I love the colours and papers in it.

I love proving that even though a kit might look a bit girly with florals and swirls and flourishes, you can still make a very powerful boy page out of it.

The bane of my life (don't even get me started) is the huge disproportion of Female to Male things.... Clothes and shoes to start with. I have 2 boys to dress, and dress well. It is a real struggle sometimes to find nice clothes for them, whereas the girl's section will always be half as big again as the boys, with much more variety. The same does ring true of Scrapbooking kits sometimes. They all seem to be a bit girly, especially the good quality ones. Sigh. One of the reason's I like Amy's work, as she HAS a boy, and so isn't afraid to do boyish designs, and they scrap fantastically!

Ok, enough ranting. Might go get some lunch or something now.

More pictures later, I promise!


Blogger Unknown said...

I think the big misproportion of girl-boy things has to do with the fact that boys (at least my husband) don't care what they wear and could wear the exact same shirt every day for the rest of their lives. That's my theory anyway.

I do love the way you take all those "feminine" kits and make them into some fabulous boy pages. It's a talent. But I'll get some more boy kits headed your way shortly. ;)

2:56 am  

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